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GOST 26366 Brass-plated steel wire for bead rings of tyres. Specifications GOST 26366 Brass-plated steel wire for bead rings of tyres. Specifications ESDU 84037 Fatigue strength of external and internal steel screw threads under axial loading. (Standard forms not greater than 1.0 inch diameter.) ESDU 84037 Fatigue strength of external and internal steel screw threads under axial loading. (Sta... FED H-08-4 VOL 2 281 STEEL EDGING FED H-08-4 VOL 2 281 STEEL EDGING HOLDEN HN 1891 Adhesive - Transfer Tape - High Performance HOLDEN HN 1891 Adhesive - Transfer Tape - High Performance GOST 15860 "Steel welded cylinders for liquefied hydrocarbon gases at pressure up to 1,6 MPa. Specifications" GOST 15860 "Steel welded cylinders for liquefied hydrocarbon gases at pressure up to 1,6 MPa. Spe... GOST 15860 "Steel welded cylinders for liquefied hydrocarbon gases at pressure up to 1,6 MPa. Specifications" GOST 15860 "Steel welded cylinders for liquefied hydrocarbon gases at pressure up to 1,6 MPa. Spe... GOST 26155 Corrosion-resistant steel drums. Specifications GOST 26155 Corrosion-resistant steel drums. Specifications GOST 26155 Corrosion-resistant steel drums. Specifications GOST 26155 Corrosion-resistant steel drums. Specifications ESDU 79032 B Stress concentrations at grooves for retaining rings or seals (with notes on design against fatigue). ESDU 79032 B Stress concentrations at grooves for retaining rings or seals (with notes on de... GOST 26131 Heat-resisting steel forgings. General specifications GOST 26131 Heat-resisting steel forgings. General specifications GOST 12.2.099 Occupational safety standards system. Aggregates for steel smelting. General safety requirements GOST 12.2.099 Occupational safety standards system. Aggregates for steel smelting. General safety requirem... EU 84/527/EEC Council Directive on the Approximation of the Laws of the Member States Relating to Welded Unalloyed Steel Gas Cylinders EU 84/527/EEC Council Directive on the Approximation of the Laws of the Member States Relating to Wel... EU 84/525/EEC Council Directive on the Approximation of the Laws of the Member States Relating to Seamless, Steel Gas Cylinders EU 84/525/EEC Council Directive on the Approximation of the Laws of the Member States Relating to Sea... GOST 26047 BUILDING STEEL STRUCTURES. CONVENTIONAL DESIGNATIONS (GRADES) GOST 26047 BUILDING STEEL STRUCTURES. CONVENTIONAL DESIGNATIONS (GRADES) GOST 26047 Building steel structures. Symbols (marks) GOST 26047 Building steel structures. Symbols (marks) GOST 1060 Cold-deformed seamless steel tubes for shipbuilding. Specifications GOST 1060 Cold-deformed seamless steel tubes for shipbuilding. Specifications GOST 1060 Cold-deformed seamless steel tubes for shipbuilding. Specifications GOST 1060 Cold-deformed seamless steel tubes for shipbuilding. Specifications GOST 26020 Hot-rolled steel 1-beam with parallel flange edges. Dimensions GOST 26020 Hot-rolled steel 1-beam with parallel flange edges. Dimensions GOST 8467 Steel drill pipes for core drilling. Specifications GOST 8467 Steel drill pipes for core drilling. Specifications FED FCGS 05311 STEEL ROOF DECKING FED FCGS 05311 STEEL ROOF DECKING GOST 25859 Steel vessels and apparatuses. Norms and methods of fatigue strength calculation under lowcyclic loads - Incorporating Amendment 1: 1990 GOST 25859 Steel vessels and apparatuses. Norms and methods of fatigue strength calculation unde... GOST 21427.1 Cold-rolled electrotechnical anisotropic thin-sheet steel GOST 21427.1 Cold-rolled electrotechnical anisotropic thin-sheet steel GOST 21427.2 Cold-rolled electrotechnical isotropic thin-sheet steel GOST 21427.2 Cold-rolled electrotechnical isotropic thin-sheet steel GOST 21427.1 Cold-rolled electrotechnical anisotropic thin-sheet steel GOST 21427.1 Cold-rolled electrotechnical anisotropic thin-sheet steel



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