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AASHTO M 55M/M 55 Standard Method of Test for Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement, Plain, for Concrete AASHTO M 55M/M 55 Standard Method of Test for Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement, Plain, for Conc... AASHTO M 32M/M 32 Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement AASHTO M 32M/M 32 Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement AASHTO GVCB Guide Specifications and Commentary for Vessel Collision Design of Highway Bridges - Second Edition AASHTO GVCB Guide Specifications and Commentary for Vessel Collision Design of Highway Bridges - ... AENOR UNE-EN ISO 15750-3 Packaging - Steel drums - Part 3: Inserted flange-type closure systems (ISO 15750-3:2002) AENOR UNE-EN ISO 15750-3 Packaging - Steel drums - Part 3: Inserted flange-type closure systems ... AENOR UNE-EN 13411-7+A1 Terminations for steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 7: Symmetric wedge socket AENOR UNE-EN 13411-7+A1 Terminations for steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 7: Symmetric wedge socket AENOR UNE-EN ISO 15750-2 Packaging - Steel drums - Part 2: Non-removable head (tight head) drums with a minimum total capacity of 212 l, 216,5 l and 230 l (ISO 15750-2:2002) AENOR UNE-EN ISO 15750-2 Packaging - Steel drums - Part 2: Non-removable head (tight head) drums... AENOR UNE-EN ISO 15750-1 Packaging - Steel drums - Part 1: Removable head (open head) drums with a minimum total capacity of 208 l, 210 l and 216,5 l (ISO 15750-1:2002) AENOR UNE-EN ISO 15750-1 Packaging - Steel drums - Part 1: Removable head (open head) drums with... AENOR UNE 36523 Steel products. Section UPE. Dimensions. AENOR UNE 36523 Steel products. Section UPE. Dimensions. AENOR UNE-EN 10324/AC Steel wire and wire products - Hose reinforcement wire AENOR UNE-EN 10324/AC Steel wire and wire products - Hose reinforcement wire AENOR UNE-EN 10340/AC Steel castings for structural uses AENOR UNE-EN 10340/AC Steel castings for structural uses AENOR UNE-EN 13411-6+A1 Terminations for steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 6: Asymmetric wedge socket AENOR UNE-EN 13411-6+A1 Terminations for steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 6: Asymmetric wedge socket AENOR UNE-EN 13414-1+A2 Steel wire rope slings - Safety - Part 1: Slings for general lifting service AENOR UNE-EN 13414-1+A2 Steel wire rope slings - Safety - Part 1: Slings for general lifting service AENOR UNE-EN 13411-3+A1 Terminations for steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 3: Ferrules and ferrule-securing AENOR UNE-EN 13411-3+A1 Terminations for steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 3: Ferrules and ferrule-secur... AENOR UNE-EN 13414-2+A2 Steel wire rope slings - Safety - Part 2: Specification for information for use and maintenance to be provided by the manufacturer AENOR UNE-EN 13414-2+A2 Steel wire rope slings - Safety - Part 2: Specification for information for use... AENOR UNE-EN 13411-2+A1 Terminations for steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 2: Splicing of eyes for wire rope slings AENOR UNE-EN 13411-2+A1 Terminations for steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 2: Splicing of eyes for wire ... AENOR UNE-EN 13411-5+A1 Terminations for steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 5: U-bolt wire rope grips AENOR UNE-EN 13411-5+A1 Terminations for steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 5: U-bolt wire rope grips AENOR UNE-EN 13411-1+A1 Terminations for steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 1: Thimbles for steel wire rope slings AENOR UNE-EN 13411-1+A1 Terminations for steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 1: Thimbles for steel wire ro... AENOR UNE-EN 12385-1+A1 Steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 1: General requirements AENOR UNE-EN 12385-1+A1 Steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 1: General requirements AENOR UNE-EN 60404-2/A1 Magnetic materials -- Part 2: Methods of measurement of the magnetic properties of electrical steel sheet and strip by means of an Epstein frame AENOR UNE-EN 60404-2/A1 Magnetic materials -- Part 2: Methods of measurement of the magnetic properties... AENOR UNE-EN 15266 Stainless steel pliable corrugated tubing kits in buildings for gas with an operating pressure up to 0,5 bar AENOR UNE-EN 15266 Stainless steel pliable corrugated tubing kits in buildings for gas with an ope... AENOR UNE-EN 1993-1-9 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-9: Fatigue AENOR UNE-EN 1993-1-9 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-9: Fatigue AENOR UNE-EN ISO 18594 Resistance spot-, projection- and seam-welding - Method for determining the transition resistance on aluminium and steel material (ISO 18594:2007) AENOR UNE-EN ISO 18594 Resistance spot-, projection- and seam-welding - Method for determining t... AENOR UNE-EN 1993-1-9 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-9: Fatigue AENOR UNE-EN 1993-1-9 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-9: Fatigue ACI 350.3 ERTA Seismic Design of Liquid-Containing Concrete Structures and Commentary ACI 350.3 ERTA Seismic Design of Liquid-Containing Concrete Structures and Commentary



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