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API FORM 5U04 Model Form of Statutory Unit Operating Agreement - SECOND EDITION API FORM 5U04 Model Form of Statutory Unit Operating Agreement - SECOND EDITION API FIRE PROTECTION Fire Protection in Bulk Plants and Service Stations - First Edition API FIRE PROTECTION Fire Protection in Bulk Plants and Service Stations - First Edition API FINAL REPORT 1996 Final Report 1996 American Petroleum Institute/National Petroleum Refiners Association Survey of Refining Operations and Product Quality - First Edition API FINAL REPORT 1996 Final Report 1996 American Petroleum Institute/National Petroleum Refiners... API EVALUATION SURFACTANT Final Report EVALUATION OF SURFACTANTS FOR ENHANCED GASOLINE RECOVERY API EVALUATION SURFACTANT Final Report EVALUATION OF SURFACTANTS FOR ENHANCED GASOLINE RECOVERY API ESCS Engine Service Classification System: 1991 Licensees Including Brand Products Authorized to Display the Engine Service Classification System Symbol API ESCS Engine Service Classification System: 1991 Licensees Including Brand Products Authoriz... API DR364 The York River: A Brief Review of its Physical, Chemical and Biological Characteristics API DR364 The York River: A Brief Review of its Physical, Chemical and Biological Characteris... API DR344 U.S. CRUDE AND PRODUCTS IMPORT API DR344 U.S. CRUDE AND PRODUCTS IMPORT API DR334 Sediment Criteria Development: A Technical Critique - Reprinted 1993 API DR334 Sediment Criteria Development: A Technical Critique - Reprinted 1993 API DR229 Review of Revisions to the Offshore and Coastal Dispersion (OCD) Model - Reprinted in 1994 API DR229 Review of Revisions to the Offshore and Coastal Dispersion (OCD) Model - Reprinted in ... API DR223 Review and Evaluation of Research Relating to Population Exposure to Air Pollution API DR223 Review and Evaluation of Research Relating to Population Exposure to Air Pollution API DR221 Removal of Benzene from Refinery Wastewater API DR221 Removal of Benzene from Refinery Wastewater API DR214 PROCEEDINGS: SAMPLING AND ANALYTICAL METHODS FOR DETERMINING PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS IN GROUNDWATER AND SOIL API DR214 PROCEEDINGS: SAMPLING AND ANALYTICAL METHODS FOR DETERMINING PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS IN GROUN... API DR204 Polynuclear Hydrocarbons in Sediments and Clams in the Vicinity of a Refinery outfall - Reprinted in 1993 API DR204 Polynuclear Hydrocarbons in Sediments and Clams in the Vicinity of a Refinery outfall - Rep... API DR203 Novel Techniques for the Containment of Oil in Flowing Water API DR203 Novel Techniques for the Containment of Oil in Flowing Water API DR201 Overview of Research Relating to Population Exposure to Air Pollution API DR201 Overview of Research Relating to Population Exposure to Air Pollution API DR199 Oil Spill Studies: Measurement of Environmental Effects and Recovery API DR199 Oil Spill Studies: Measurement of Environmental Effects and Recovery API DR194 Literature Review on the Effects of Oil and Oil Dispersants on Fishes - Reprinted in 1993 API DR194 Literature Review on the Effects of Oil and Oil Dispersants on Fishes - Reprinted in 1993 API DR192 Modeling Oxygen-Transport Limited Biodegradation in Three-Dimensionally Heterogeneous Aquifers API DR192 Modeling Oxygen-Transport Limited Biodegradation in Three-Dimensionally Heterogeneous Aq... API DR184 Laboratory Scale Gasoline Spill and Venting Experiment - Reprinted in 1993 API DR184 Laboratory Scale Gasoline Spill and Venting Experiment - Reprinted in 1993 API DR172 INTERIM REPORT ON NEW EMISSION FACTORS FOR ONSHORE OIL AND GAS FACILITIES DEVELOPED THROUGH A RE-EXAMINATION OF THE ROCKWELL FIELD DATA VOLUME II - VOLUME II API DR172 INTERIM REPORT ON NEW EMISSION FACTORS FOR ONSHORE OIL AND GAS FACILITIES DEVELOPED THR... API DR171 INTERIM REPORT ON NEW EMISSION FACTORS FOR ONSHORE OIL AND GAS FACILITIES DEVELOPED THROUGH A RE-EXAMINATION OF THE ROCKWELL FIELD DATA VOLUME 1 - VOLUME 1 API DR171 INTERIM REPORT ON NEW EMISSION FACTORS FOR ONSHORE OIL AND GAS FACILITIES DEVELOPED THR... API DR169 Final Report Interlaboratory Testing: Acute Toxicity Bioassay Method for Chemically-Dispersed Oils API DR169 Final Report Interlaboratory Testing: Acute Toxicity Bioassay Method for Chemically-D... API DR154 In Situ Groundwater Mitigation of Hydrocarbon Contamination Using Colloidal Gas Aphrons - Reprinted in 1993 API DR154 In Situ Groundwater Mitigation of Hydrocarbon Contamination Using Colloidal Gas Ap... API DR149 Identification, Comparison and Evaluation of Existing Freshwater, Estuarine, and Marine Rapid Chronic Bioassays API DR149 Identification, Comparison and Evaluation of Existing Freshwater, Estuarine, and Marine Rapid C...



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