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BSI BS 2718 Specification for Gas cylinder trolleys BSI BS 2718 Specification for Gas cylinder trolleys BSI BS 2SP 151-153 Specification for Unified alloy steel washers BSI BS 2SP 151-153 Specification for Unified alloy steel washers BSI BS 2SP 154-156 Specification for Unified corrosion-resistant steel washers - Index title: Washers, unified, corrosion-resistant steel BSI BS 2SP 154-156 Specification for Unified corrosion-resistant steel washers - Index tit... BSI BS 3127 Specification for Ferrous and non-ferrous Bourdon tubing - AMD 3059: September 1979 BSI BS 3127 Specification for Ferrous and non-ferrous Bourdon tubing - AMD 3059: September ... BSI BS 4904 Specification for External Cladding Colours for Building Purposes BSI BS 4904 Specification for External Cladding Colours for Building Purposes BSI BS T 76 Specification for Chromiummolybdenum steel tube (770 MPa) (Weldable) - AMD 5184: September 1986 BSI BS T 76 Specification for Chromiummolybdenum steel tube (770 MPa) (Weldable) - AMD 5... BSI BS 826 Steel Single Tier Shelving (Angle Upright Type) - AMD 4976: March 1986 BSI BS 826 Steel Single Tier Shelving (Angle Upright Type) - AMD 4976: March 1986 BSI BS 869 Specification for Toolmakers' Flats and High Precision Surface Plates BSI BS 869 Specification for Toolmakers' Flats and High Precision Surface Plates BSI BS 5535 Specification for Right angle and box angle plates BSI BS 5535 Specification for Right angle and box angle plates BSI BS 1296-3 Specification for Single point cutting tools - Part 3: Butt-welded cutting tools and blanks BSI BS 1296-3 Specification for Single point cutting tools - Part 3: Butt-welded cutting tool... BSI BS MA 47 Code of Practice for Ship's Cargo Blocks - AMD 3721: August 1981 BSI BS MA 47 Code of Practice for Ship's Cargo Blocks - AMD 3721: August 1981 BSI BS 5493 Code of Practice for Protective Coating of Iron and Steel Structures Against Corrosion - AMD 4443: January 1984; AMD 7898: November 1993; Remains Current BSI BS 5493 Code of Practice for Protective Coating of Iron and Steel Structures Against Co... BSI BS S 158 Specification for 1 % chromium-molybdenum steel bars for the manufacture of forged bolts and forged nuts BSI BS S 158 Specification for 1 % chromium-molybdenum steel bars for the manufacture of... BSI BS 2S 131 Specification for High thermal expansion steel billets, bars, forgings and parts - (620 MPa: limiting ruling section 150 mm) - AMD 3840: December 1981 BSI BS 2S 131 Specification for High thermal expansion steel billets, bars, forgings and ... BSI BS 2S 136 Specification for 1 % carbon-chromium steel (vacuum arc remelted) billets, bars, forgings and parts (Limiting ruling section 25 mm) - AMD 15173: March 9, 2005 BSI BS 2S 136 Specification for 1 % carbon-chromium steel (vacuum arc remelted) billets, ... BSI BS 5204-2 Specification for Straightedges - Part 2: Steel or Granite Straightedges of Rectangular Section - AMD 4128: November 1982 BSI BS 5204-2 Specification for Straightedges - Part 2: Steel or Granite Straightedges of Rec... BSI BS 2S 135 Specification for 1 % carbon-chromium steel billets, bars, forgings and parts (Limiting ruling section 25 mm) - AMD 14141: May 30, 2003 BSI BS 2S 135 Specification for 1 % carbon-chromium steel billets, bars, forgings and par... BSI BS 2S 142 Specification for 1 % chromium-molybdenum steel billets, bars, forgings and parts - (900 - 1100 MPa: limiting ruling section 40 mm) - AMD 3528: August 1981 BSI BS 2S 142 Specification for 1 % chromium-molybdenum steel billets, bars, forgings and... BSI BS T 72 & 73 18/10 Chromium-Nickel Corrosion-Resisting Steel Tube for Hydraulic Purposes (Niobium/ Titanium Stabilized: 550 MPa) - AMD 6852: December 24, 1991 BSI BS T 72 & 73 18/10 Chromium-Nickel Corrosion-Resisting Steel Tube for Hydraulic Purp... BSI BS 3673-4 Spring Retaining Rings Part 4: Carbon Steel Circlips, Metric Series - AMD 2369: October 1977 BSI BS 3673-4 Spring Retaining Rings Part 4: Carbon Steel Circlips, Metric Series - AMD 2369:... BSI BS 2S 147 Specification for 0.5 % nickel-chromium-molybdenum steel bars for the manufacture of forged bolts and forged nuts - AMD 6836: November 1971 BSI BS 2S 147 Specification for 0.5 % nickel-chromium-molybdenum steel bars for the manuf... BSI BS 2S 149 Specification for 1.75% nickel-chromium-molybdenum steel bars for the manufacture of forged bolts and forged nuts - AMD 6837: November 1991 BSI BS 2S 149 Specification for 1.75% nickel-chromium-molybdenum steel bars for the manuf... BSI BS 5431 Specification for Bending springs for use with copper tubes for water, gas and sanitation BSI BS 5431 Specification for Bending springs for use with copper tubes for water, gas and ... BSI BS 2S 146 Specification for 4 % nickel-chromium-molybdenum air-hardening steel (vacuum arc remelted) billets, bars, forgings and parts (1760 - 1960 MPa: limiting ruling section 100 mm) - AMD 3524: August 1981 BSI BS 2S 146 Specification for 4 % nickel-chromium-molybdenum air-hardening steel (vacuu...



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