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GOST 8943 Ductile iron and steel fittings with parallel thread for pipelines. Nomenclature GOST 8943 Ductile iron and steel fittings with parallel thread for pipelines. Nomenclature GOST 8967 Pipe steel connections with cylindrical thread for pipelines P = 1,6 MPa. Nippels. Basic dimensions GOST 8967 Pipe steel connections with cylindrical thread for pipelines P = 1,6 MPa. Nippels. B... GOST 5949 Sorted and gauged corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant and high-temperature steel. Specifications - Incorporating Amendment 1: 07/1980; Amendment 2: 12/1986 and Amendment 3: 11/1990; Incorporating Corrigendum: 2001 GOST 5949 Sorted and gauged corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant and high-temperature steel. Spec... GOST 8969 Pipe steel connections with cylindrical thread for pipelines P = 1,6 MPa. Adapter coupling. Basic dimensions GOST 8969 Pipe steel connections with cylindrical thread for pipelines P = 1,6 MPa. Adapter co... GOST 12503 STEEL ULTRASONIC TECHNIQUES. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS - Incorporating Amendment 1: 12/1987 GOST 12503 STEEL ULTRASONIC TECHNIQUES. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS - Incorporating Amendment 1: 12/198... GOST 8734 COLD-DEFORMED SEAMLESS STEEL TUBES RANGE - Incorporating Amendment 1: 08/1978; Amendment 2: 11/1981 and Amendment 3: 3/1988 GOST 8734 COLD-DEFORMED SEAMLESS STEEL TUBES RANGE - Incorporating Amendment 1: 08/1978; Amendment 2: 1... GOST 3110 Steel spoke wire. Specifications GOST 3110 Steel spoke wire. Specifications GOST 3110 Steel spoke wire. Specifications GOST 3110 Steel spoke wire. Specifications GOST 8731 Seamless hot-deformed steel pipes. Specifications GOST 8731 Seamless hot-deformed steel pipes. Specifications GOST 8731 Seamless Hot-Rolled Steel Pipes Technical Requirements - Incorporated Amendments 2: 4/1976; 3: 3/1980; 4: 1/1982; 5: 3/1984 GOST 8731 Seamless Hot-Rolled Steel Pipes Technical Requirements - Incorporated Amendments 2: 4/19... GOST 20179 Rough tyres carbon steel for the rolling stock on narrow gauge railways. Profiles and sizes GOST 20179 Rough tyres carbon steel for the rolling stock on narrow gauge railways. Profiles and... GOST 20101 "Steel partern plates for moulding boxes having inside dimensions 400x300 mm, 450x350 mm, 500x400 mm for moulding foundry machines without turn of half mould with squeezing. Dezign and dimensions" GOST 20101 "Steel partern plates for moulding boxes having inside dimensions 400x300 mm, 450x350 ... GOST 20114 Steel pattern plates with changeable metal insets for moulding boxes having inside dimensions 800 x 700 mm for moulding foundry machines with turn of half mould with squeezing. Design and dimensions GOST 20114 Steel pattern plates with changeable metal insets for moulding boxes having inside di... GOST 20113 Steel pattern plates for moulding boxes having inside dimensions 800 x 700 mm for moulding foundry machines with turn of half mould without squeezing. Design and dimensions GOST 20113 Steel pattern plates for moulding boxes having inside dimensions 800 x 700 mm for mou... GOST 20104 Steel pattern plates for moulding boxes having inside dimensions 1200 x 1000 mm for moulding foundry machines without turn of half mould without squeezing. Design and dimensions GOST 20104 Steel pattern plates for moulding boxes having inside dimensions 1200 x 1000 mm for m... GOST 20116 Steel pattern plates with changeable metal inserts for moulding boxes having inside dimensions 1000 x 800 mm for moulding machines without turn of half mould without squeezing. Design and dimensions GOST 20116 Steel pattern plates with changeable metal inserts for moulding boxes having inside d... GOST 20103 Steel pattern plates for moulding boxes having inside dimensions 1000 x 600 mm for moulding foundry machines without turn of half mould with squeezing. Design and dimensions GOST 20103 Steel pattern plates for moulding boxes having inside dimensions 1000 x 600 mm for mo... GOST 20115 Steel pattern plates for moulding boxes having inside dimensions 1000 x 800 mm for moulding foundry machines with turn of half mould without squeezing. Design and dimensions GOST 20115 Steel pattern plates for moulding boxes having inside dimensions 1000 x 800 mm for mo... GOST 20102 "Steel pattern plates with changeable metal inserts for moulding boxes having inside dimensions 400 x 300 mm, 450 x 350 mm, 500 x 400 mm for moulding foundry machines without turn of half mould with squeezing. Design and dimensions" GOST 20102 "Steel pattern plates with changeable metal inserts for moulding boxes having inside d... GOST 20117 Steel pattern plates for moulding boxes having inside dimensions 1200 x 1000 mm for moulding foundry machines with turn of half mould without squeezing. Design and dimensions GOST 20117 Steel pattern plates for moulding boxes having inside dimensions 1200 x 1000 mm for m... GOST 20121 Steel pattern plates for moulding boxes having inside dimensions 2500 x 2000 mm for moulding foundry machines with turn of half mould without squeezing. Design and dimensions GOST 20121 Steel pattern plates for moulding boxes having inside dimensions 2500 x 2000 mm for m... GOST 20120 Steel pattern plates for moulding boxes having inside dimensions 2600 x 1600 mm for moulding foundry machines with turn of half mould without squeezing. Design and dimensions GOST 20120 Steel pattern plates for moulding boxes having inside dimensions 2600 x 1600 mm for m... GOST 20106 Steel pattern plates with changeable metal inserts for moulding boxes having inside dimensions 600 x 500 mm for moulding foundry machines without turn of half mould with squeezinh. Design and dimensions GOST 20106 Steel pattern plates with changeable metal inserts for moulding boxes having inside d... GOST 20111 Steel pattern plates moulding boxes having inside dimensions 600kh500 mm, 800kh700 mm, 1000kh800 mm for moulding foundry machines with turn of halfmould with squeezing. Design and dimensions GOST 20111 Steel pattern plates moulding boxes having inside dimensions 600kh500 mm, 800kh700 mm...



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