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ESDU 09004 Labyrinth seal flow ESDU 09004 Labyrinth seal flow ESDU 01009 Condensation of pure fluids in downflow on horizontal integral low-fin tube bundles. ESDU 01009 Condensation of pure fluids in downflow on horizontal integral low-fin tube bundles. ESDU 80004 Fatigue strength of steel coned disc springs (Tentative) ESDU 80004 Fatigue strength of steel coned disc springs (Tentative) ESDU 76032 Fatigue strength of longitudinal flange-to-web welds in steel I-beams and T-sections ESDU 76032 Fatigue strength of longitudinal flange-to-web welds in steel I-beams and T-sections ESDU 73002 B Fatigue of steel spline assemblies under reversed torsion ESDU 73002 B Fatigue of steel spline assemblies under reversed torsion ESDU 71027 A Endurance of high strength steels (in bending) ESDU 71027 A Endurance of high strength steels (in bending) ESDU 77011 Fatigue strength of transverse butt welds in steel plate under axial loading ESDU 77011 Fatigue strength of transverse butt welds in steel plate under axial loading ESDU 74016 The fatigue strength at high endurance of notched low alloy steel specimens (in bending and under axial loading, zero mean stress) ESDU 74016 The fatigue strength at high endurance of notched low alloy steel specimens (in ben... ESDU 81012 Fatigue threshold stress intensity factors and slow crack propagation rates in low and medium strength low alloy steel ESDU 81012 Fatigue threshold stress intensity factors and slow crack propagation rates in low and ... ESDU 82007 Structural Members: mean fluid forces on members of various cross sections ESDU 82007 Structural Members: mean fluid forces on members of various cross sections ESDU 84003 B Fatigue crack propagation rates and threshold stress intensity factors in high alloy and corrosion resistant (stainless) steel ESDU 84003 B Fatigue crack propagation rates and threshold stress intensity factors in high ... ESDU 05008 Cyclic stress-strain response of type 316 austenitic stainless steels during low-cycle fatigue at temperatures between -269 and 800 degrees C (-452 and 1472 degrees F). ESDU 05008 Cyclic stress-strain response of type 316 austenitic stainless steels during low-cycle... ESDU 97006 A Selection and costing of heat exchangers. Plate-fin type. ESDU 97006 A Selection and costing of heat exchangers. Plate-fin type. ESDU 94017 A Selection of materials, manufacturing methods and lubricants for cam mechanisms. ESDU 94017 A Selection of materials, manufacturing methods and lubricants for cam mechanisms... ESDU 96014 Fatigue of bolted steel lap joints and doublers. ESDU 96014 Fatigue of bolted steel lap joints and doublers. ESDU 93033 Fatigue propagation behaviour of short cracks (1-2 mm) in steels. ESDU 93033 Fatigue propagation behaviour of short cracks (1-2 mm) in steels. ESDU 92015 Guide to the effect of shot peening on fatigue strength. ESDU 92015 Guide to the effect of shot peening on fatigue strength. ESDU 76016 B Generalisation of smooth continuous stress-strain curves for metallic materials. ESDU 76016 B Generalisation of smooth continuous stress-strain curves for metallic materials... ESDU 90009 Fatigue of aluminium alloy joints with various fastener systems. Medium load transfer. ESDU 90009 Fatigue of aluminium alloy joints with various fastener systems. Medium load transfer. ESDU 89031 Guide to the selection of surface treatments for the improvement of fatigue strength of steels. ESDU 89031 Guide to the selection of surface treatments for the improvement of fatigue strength ... ESDU 89004 Effect of fretting on fatigue strength of aluminium alloys. ESDU 89004 Effect of fretting on fatigue strength of aluminium alloys. ESDU 88008 Fatigue limit of unnotched steels (related to tensile strength). ESDU 88008 Fatigue limit of unnotched steels (related to tensile strength). ESDU 87016 A Effect of size on fatigue strength of steel components. ESDU 87016 A Effect of size on fatigue strength of steel components. ESDU 86013 A Guide to the use of Data Items on the fatigue strength of welded joints in steels. ESDU 86013 A Guide to the use of Data Items on the fatigue strength of welded joints in stee...
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