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AENOR UNE-EN 1504-6 Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures - Definitions, requirements, quality control and evaluation of conformity - Part 6: Anchoring of reinforcing steel bar AENOR UNE-EN 1504-6 Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures - Def... AENOR UNE-EN 1123-3 Pipes and fittings of longitudinally welded hot-dip galvanized steel pipes with spigot and socket for waste water systems - Part 3: Dimensions and special requirements for vacuum drainage systems and for drainage systems in ship-buildi AENOR UNE-EN 1123-3 Pipes and fittings of longitudinally welded hot-dip galvanized steel pipes with... ACI 349.2R ERTA Concrete Capacity Design (CCD) Method-Embedment Design Examples ACI 349.2R ERTA Concrete Capacity Design (CCD) Method-Embedment Design Examples ACI 349.2R Guide to the Concrete Capacity Design (CCD) Method- Embedment Design Examples ACI 349.2R Guide to the Concrete Capacity Design (CCD) Method- Embedment Design Examples ABS 4 NOTICE 3 STEEL VESSELS FOR SERVICE ON RIVERS AND INTRACOASTAL WATERWAYS ABS 4 NOTICE 3 STEEL VESSELS FOR SERVICE ON RIVERS AND INTRACOASTAL WATERWAYS AENOR UNE-EN 480-14 Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Test methods - Part 14: Determination of the effect on corrosion susceptibility of reinforcing steel by potentiostatic electro-chemical test AENOR UNE-EN 480-14 Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Test methods - Part 14: Determinati... AENOR UNE-EN 10131 Cold rolled uncoated and zinc or zinc-nickel electrolytically coated low carbon and high yield strength steel flat products for cold forming - Tolerances on dimensions and shape AENOR UNE-EN 10131 Cold rolled uncoated and zinc or zinc-nickel electrolytically coated low carbon... AENOR UNE-EN 10143 Continuously hot-dip coated steel sheet and strip - Tolerances on dimensions and shape AENOR UNE-EN 10143 Continuously hot-dip coated steel sheet and strip - Tolerances on dimensions an... AENOR UNE-EN 10143 Continuously hot-dip coated steel sheet and strip - Tolerances on dimensions and shape AENOR UNE-EN 10143 Continuously hot-dip coated steel sheet and strip - Tolerances on dimensions an... AENOR UNE-EN ISO 14556/A1 Steel - Charpy V-notch pendulum impact test - Instrumented test method - Amendment 1: Annex D - Instrumented Charpy V-notch pendulum impact test of sub-size test pieces (ISO 14556:2000/Amd 1:2006) AENOR UNE-EN ISO 14556/A1 Steel - Charpy V-notch pendulum impact test - Instrumented test method... AENOR UNE-EN 10268 Cold rolled steel flat products with high yield strength for cold forming - Technical delivery conditions AENOR UNE-EN 10268 Cold rolled steel flat products with high yield strength for cold forming - Tec... AENOR UNE-EN 10268 Cold rolled steel flat products with high yield strength for cold forming - Technical delivery conditions AENOR UNE-EN 10268 Cold rolled steel flat products with high yield strength for cold forming - Tec... A-A-55527 VALID NOTICE 2 FILLERS FOR ROTARY SWEEPER BRUSH: FOR SWEEPER, FRONT MOUNTED OR TOWED TYPE A-A-55527 VALID NOTICE 2 FILLERS FOR ROTARY SWEEPER BRUSH: FOR SWEEPER, FRONT MOUNTED OR TOWED TYPE AENOR UNE-EN 10297-2 Seamless circular steel tubes for mechanical and general engineering purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part 2: Stainless steel AENOR UNE-EN 10297-2 Seamless circular steel tubes for mechanical and general engineering purposes -... AENOR UNE-EN 10298 Steel tubes and fittings for on shore and offshore pipelines - Internal lining with cement mortar AENOR UNE-EN 10298 Steel tubes and fittings for on shore and offshore pipelines - Internal lining ... AENOR UNE 60713-1 Stainless steel flexible hoses with connections for conduction of gaseous fuels up to a pressure of 0,4 bar with a maximal length of 2 m. Part 1: Flexible hoses with stainless steel connections. AENOR UNE 60713-1 Stainless steel flexible hoses with connections for conduction of gaseous fuels... AENOR UNE-EN ISO 8502-11 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 11: Field method for the turbidimetric determination of water-soluble sulfate (ISO 8502-11: AENOR UNE-EN ISO 8502-11 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and relate... AENOR UNE 22725 Sliding steel profiles for roof support. AENOR UNE 22725 Sliding steel profiles for roof support. AENOR UNE 22013 Inspection procedures for mining steel ropes in service for mine hoisting. AENOR UNE 22013 Inspection procedures for mining steel ropes in service for mine hoisting. A-A-51130C CUTTER BIT BLANKS AND CUT-OFF BLADES A-A-51130C CUTTER BIT BLANKS AND CUT-OFF BLADES AENOR UNE-EN 14876 Transportable gas cylinders - Periodic inspection and testing of welded steel pressure drums AENOR UNE-EN 14876 Transportable gas cylinders - Periodic inspection and testing of welded steel p... ACI 503.7 Specification for Crack Repair by Epoxy Injection ACI 503.7 Specification for Crack Repair by Epoxy Injection ACI 440R Report on Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures ACI 440R Report on Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures ACI 349 Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety-Related Concrete Structures (ACI 349-06) and Commentary ACI 349 Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety-Related Concrete Structures (ACI 349-06) and Co...



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