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Фильтр по проектам
BRE IP7/86 Weathering performance of building materials in the Middle East BRE IP7/86 Weathering performance of building materials in the Middle East BIS IS 11699 Steel Plug Valves for Petroleum, Petrochemical and Allied Industries BIS IS 11699 Steel Plug Valves for Petroleum, Petrochemical and Allied Industries BIS IS 9175: PART 34 Rationalized Steels for Automobile and Ancillary Industry, Mechanical and Physical Properties - Part 34 14CrNi6 Grade steel BIS IS 9175: PART 34 Rationalized Steels for Automobile and Ancillary Industry, Mechanical a... BIS IS 11714: PART 1 to 5 Steel Tubes for Heat Exchangers BIS IS 11714: PART 1 to 5 Steel Tubes for Heat Exchangers BIS IS 10891: PART 2 Steel Wire Ropes for Aerial Ropeways - Part 2 : Track Ropes BIS IS 10891: PART 2 Steel Wire Ropes for Aerial Ropeways - Part 2 : Track Ropes BIS IS 11792 Steel ball valve for the petroleum petrochemical and allied industries - Includes Amendment 1 BIS IS 11792 Steel ball valve for the petroleum petrochemical and allied industries - Includ... BIS IS 9175: PART 19 Rationalized Steels for the Automobile and Ancillary Industry - Part 19 : Mechanical and Physical Properties of 16Mn5Cr4 Grade Steel BIS IS 9175: PART 19 Rationalized Steels for the Automobile and Ancillary Industry - Part 19... BIS IS 3948 Calibrated High Tensile Steel (Round Link) Chain (Electric Butt Welded) for Chain Conveyors and Coal Ploughs Used in Mines - Includes Amendment 1 BIS IS 3948 Calibrated High Tensile Steel (Round Link) Chain (Electric Butt Welded) for Cha... BIS IS 9175: PART 6 Rationalized Steels for Automobile and Ancillary Industry, Mechanical and Physical Properties - Part 6 40C8 Grade Steel BIS IS 9175: PART 6 Rationalized Steels for Automobile and Ancillary Industry, Mechanical an... BIS IS 11655 Procedure for stray flux testing of ferrous magnetic seamless steel tubular products BIS IS 11655 Procedure for stray flux testing of ferrous magnetic seamless steel tubular pro... BIS IS 9175: PART 7 Rationalized Steels for Automobile and Ancillary Industry, Mechanical and Physical Properties - Part 7 45C8 Grade steel BIS IS 9175: PART 7 Rationalized Steels for Automobile and Ancillary Industry, Mechanical an... BIS IS 1572 Electroplated Coatings of Cadmium on Iron and Steel BIS IS 1572 Electroplated Coatings of Cadmium on Iron and Steel BIS IS 1573 Electroplated Coatings of Zinc on Iron and Steel BIS IS 1573 Electroplated Coatings of Zinc on Iron and Steel BIS IS 4475: PART 1 Crane-suspended Ladles for Foundries - Part 1 : Straight/Taper Sided Geared Ladles 0.25 to 10 Tonnes for Iron and Steel Foundries BIS IS 4475: PART 1 Crane-suspended Ladles for Foundries - Part 1 : Straight/Taper Sided Gea... BIS IS 9175: PART 20 Rationalized Steels for Automobile and Ancillary Industry, Mechanical and Physical Properties - Part 20 20MnCr5 Grade steel BIS IS 9175: PART 20 Rationalized Steels for Automobile and Ancillary Industry, Mechanical a... BIS IS 9175: PART 26 Rationalized Steels for Automobile and Ancillary Industry, Mechanical and Physical Properties - Part 26 16Ni3Cr2 Grade steel BIS IS 9175: PART 26 Rationalized Steels for Automobile and Ancillary Industry, Mechanical a... BIS IS 11620 Recommended practice for ultrasonic testing and acceptance for plain carbon and low alloy forging quality steel blooms BIS IS 11620 Recommended practice for ultrasonic testing and acceptance for plain carbon and... BIS IS 4522 Heat resistant alloy steel and nickel base castings - Includes Amendment 1 BIS IS 4522 Heat resistant alloy steel and nickel base castings - Includes Amendment 1 BIS IS 11991 Recommended practice for flash butt welding of tubes, rods and other sections in carbon and alloy steel - Includes Amendment 1 BIS IS 11991 Recommended practice for flash butt welding of tubes, rods and other sections i... BIS IS 11906 Recommendations for cement mortar lining for cast iron mild steel and ductile-iron pipes and fittings for transportation of water BIS IS 11906 Recommendations for cement mortar lining for cast iron mild steel and ductile-i... BIS IS 11585: PART 1 Insulated Stainless Steel Silos for Milk Storage - Part 1 : Capacities 60000 and 100000 Litres BIS IS 11585: PART 1 Insulated Stainless Steel Silos for Milk Storage - Part 1 : Capacities 6... BIS IS 11733 steel wedge gate globe and check valves for petroleum, perochemical and allied industries (nominal size 50 mm and smaller) BIS IS 11733 steel wedge gate globe and check valves for petroleum, perochemical and allied ... BIS IS 4736 Hot-dip Zinc Coatings on Mild Steel Tubes - Includes Amendments 1-4 BIS IS 4736 Hot-dip Zinc Coatings on Mild Steel Tubes - Includes Amendments 1-4 BRE DG305 Zinc-coated steel BRE DG305 Zinc-coated steel



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