Каталог зарубежных стандартов Америки, Европы, Азии и Африки . Официальные издания с соблюдением авторских прав.
Другие Стандарты CNIS
![CNIS GB/T 14979-94 Eutectic carbide of steel-Micrographic method using standard diagrams](/bitrix/templates/amt_v3_ozer/images/img-1.jpg)
![CNIS GB/T 223.49-94 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy. Extraction separation-chlorophosphonazo mA spectrophotometric method for the determination of the total rare tarth content](/bitrix/templates/amt_v3_ozer/images/img-1.jpg)
![CNIS GB/T 223.48-85 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The semixylenol orange photometric method for the determination of bismuth content](/bitrix/templates/amt_v3_ozer/images/img-1.jpg)
![CNIS GB/T 5615-85 The designations,definitions and symbols for heat treatment tempers of steel castings](/bitrix/templates/amt_v3_ozer/images/img-1.jpg)
![CNIS GB/T 9116.19-88 Hubbed slip-on-welding steel pipe flanges with tongue and groove face for PN 5.0MPa (50 bar)](/bitrix/templates/amt_v3_ozer/images/img-1.jpg)
![CNIS GB/T 223.25-94 Methods for chemical analysis of iron, steel and alloy.The dimethylglyoxime gravimetric method for the determination of nickel content](/bitrix/templates/amt_v3_ozer/images/img-1.jpg)
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