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Стандарты FAA

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
FAA AD 2011-21-07 R1 To Prevent Pitotstatic Tubing From Becoming Partially Or Completely Blocked By Water, Which Could Result In Erroneous Airspeed And Altitude Indications And Consequent Loss Of Control Of The Airplane FAA AD 2011-21-07 R1 To Prevent Pitotstatic Tubing From Becoming Partially Or Completely Blocked ... FAA AD 2000-07-11 R1 To Prevent The Brake Hydraulic Fluid From Leaking Because Of The Brake Assembly Rods Contacting The Brake Valve Tubing FAA AD 2000-07-11 R1 To Prevent The Brake Hydraulic Fluid From Leaking Because Of The Brake Assem... FAA AD 2011-NM-250 To Detect And Correct Possible Damage Caused By Insufficient Separation Between The Wire Bundles And Hydraulic Tubing To Prevent Electrical Arcing In A Flammable Fluid Leakage Zone FAA AD 2011-NM-250 To Detect And Correct Possible Damage Caused By Insufficient Separation Between... FAA AD 2011-NM-252 To Prevent Pitot-Static Tubing From Becoming Partially Or Completely Blocked By Water FAA AD 2011-NM-252 To Prevent Pitot-Static Tubing From Becoming Partially Or Completely Blocked By... FAA AD 2011-NM-021 To Ensure Replacement Of The [Certain] Water Accumulator Assemblies [With New Water Accumulator Assemblies] To Improve Drainage Of The Pitot-Static Tubing FAA AD 2011-NM-021 To Ensure Replacement Of The [Certain] Water Accumulator Assemblies [With New W... FAA AD 2010-06-02 To Detect And Correct Inadequate Clearance Of The Brake Reservoir Tubing And The Heater Fuel Pump Wiring FAA AD 2010-06-02 To Detect And Correct Inadequate Clearance Of The Brake Reservoir Tubing And Th... FAA AD 2009-CE-062 To Detect And Correct Inadequate Clearance Of The Brake Reservoir Tubing And The Heater Fuel Pump Wiring FAA AD 2009-CE-062 To Detect And Correct Inadequate Clearance Of The Brake Reservoir Tubing And Th... FAA AD 2005-20-39 To Prevent Collapse Of The Mlg, Or Damage To Hydraulic Tubing Or The Aileron Control Cables - Applicable to Boeing Model 737-100, -200, -200C, -300, -400, and -500 Series Airplanes FAA AD 2005-20-39 To Prevent Collapse Of The Mlg, Or Damage To Hydraulic Tubing Or The Aileron Co... FAA AD 2005-NM-031 To Prevent Collapse Of The MLG, Or Damage To Hydraulic Tubing Or The Aileron Control Cables - Applicable to Boeing Model 737-100, -200, -200C, -300, -400, and -500 Series Airplanes FAA AD 2005-NM-031 To Prevent Collapse Of The MLG, Or Damage To Hydraulic Tubing Or The Aileron Co... FAA AD 2004-24-02 To Detect, Correct, And Prevent Future Cracks In The Tubing For The Main Landing Gear Leg - Applicable to Ostmecklenburgische Flugzeugbau GmbH ModelOMF-100-160 Airplanes FAA AD 2004-24-02 To Detect, Correct, And Prevent Future Cracks In The Tubing For The Main Landin... FAA AD 2003-CE-67 To Detect, Correct, And Prevent Future Cracks In The Tubing For The Main Landing Gear Leg - Applicable to Ostmecklenburgische Flugzeugbau GmbH Model OMF-100-160 Airplanes FAA AD 2003-CE-67 To Detect, Correct, And Prevent Future Cracks In The Tubing For The Main Landin... FAA AD 2003-10-13 Leakage Of Oxygen From Scored Low-pressure Oxygen Tubing - Applicable to Raytheon Model Beech 400A and 400T Series Airplanes FAA AD 2003-10-13 Leakage Of Oxygen From Scored Low-pressure Oxygen Tubing - Applicable to Raythe... FAA AD 2001-NM-335 Leakage Of Oxygen From Scored Low-pressure Oxygen Tubing - Applicable to Raytheon Model Beech 400A and 400T Series Airplanes FAA AD 2001-NM-335 Leakage Of Oxygen From Scored Low-pressure Oxygen Tubing - Applicable to Raythe... FAA AD 2002-17-05 Discrepancies Of The Wire Bundles And Hydraulic Tubing In The Aft Stairwell Area - Applicable to Boeing Model 727 Series Airplanes FAA AD 2002-17-05 Discrepancies Of The Wire Bundles And Hydraulic Tubing In The Aft Stairwell Are... FAA AD 2001-10-02 Ensure that Certain Tubing Fittings of the Fire Extinguishing Systems are Properly Torqued FAA AD 2001-10-02 Ensure that Certain Tubing Fittings of the Fire Extinguishing Systems are Prope... FAA AD 2000-25-05 Prevent Failure of the Rivets Attaching the Gamah Coupling Hinge to the Fuel System Tubing and Consequent Separation of the Coupling FAA AD 2000-25-05 Prevent Failure of the Rivets Attaching the Gamah Coupling Hinge to the Fuel Sy... FAA AD 2000-23-18 Prevent Electrical Arcing Between The Oxygen Tubing And An Electrical Source FAA AD 2000-23-18 Prevent Electrical Arcing Between The Oxygen Tubing And An Electrical Source FAA AD 2000-23-06 Prevent The Loss Of Hydraulic Pressure Due To Failed Hydraulic Tubing FAA AD 2000-23-06 Prevent The Loss Of Hydraulic Pressure Due To Failed Hydraulic Tubing FAA AD 2000-NM-129 Prevent The Loss Of Hydraulic Pressure Due To Failed Hydraulic Tubing FAA AD 2000-NM-129 Prevent The Loss Of Hydraulic Pressure Due To Failed Hydraulic Tubing FAA AD 2000-NM-52 Prevent Electrical Arcing Between the Oxygen Tubing and an Electrical Source Which Could Result in an Oxygen Fire FAA AD 2000-NM-52 Prevent Electrical Arcing Between the Oxygen Tubing and an Electrical Source Wh... FAA AD 1999-CE-65 Prevent the Brake Hydraulic Fluid from Leaking Because of the Brake Assembly Rods Contacting the Brake Valve Tubing FAA AD 1999-CE-65 Prevent the Brake Hydraulic Fluid from Leaking Because of the Brake Assembly Ro... FAA AD 1999-19-36 Prevent a Blockage Inside the De-icing Tubing FAA AD 1999-19-36 Prevent a Blockage Inside the De-icing Tubing FAA AD 1998-NM-366 Blockage Inside The De-icing Tubing FAA AD 1998-NM-366 Blockage Inside The De-icing Tubing FAA AD 1998-03-13 Aluminum Oxygen Tubing Bursting and Releasing a High-Pressure Oxygen Flow into the Passenger Cabin FAA AD 1998-03-13 Aluminum Oxygen Tubing Bursting and Releasing a High-Pressure Oxygen Flow into ...
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