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FORD FLTM BP 014-01 PERMEABILITY TEST FOR FUEL HOSE AND TUBING FORD FLTM BP 014-01 PERMEABILITY TEST FOR FUEL HOSE AND TUBING FAA AD 2001-10-02 Ensure that Certain Tubing Fittings of the Fire Extinguishing Systems are Properly Torqued FAA AD 2001-10-02 Ensure that Certain Tubing Fittings of the Fire Extinguishing Systems are Prope... GOST R 51737 Automatic water and foam fire fighting systems. Sectional tubing couplings. General technical requirements. Methods of tests GOST R 51737 Automatic water and foam fire fighting systems. Sectional tubing couplings. Gen... FAA AD 2000-25-05 Prevent Failure of the Rivets Attaching the Gamah Coupling Hinge to the Fuel System Tubing and Consequent Separation of the Coupling FAA AD 2000-25-05 Prevent Failure of the Rivets Attaching the Gamah Coupling Hinge to the Fuel Sy... FAA AD 2000-23-18 Prevent Electrical Arcing Between The Oxygen Tubing And An Electrical Source FAA AD 2000-23-18 Prevent Electrical Arcing Between The Oxygen Tubing And An Electrical Source FAA AD 2000-23-06 Prevent The Loss Of Hydraulic Pressure Due To Failed Hydraulic Tubing FAA AD 2000-23-06 Prevent The Loss Of Hydraulic Pressure Due To Failed Hydraulic Tubing GMNA GM6259M Low Pressure Air Injection Reactor Tubing - Revision B GMNA GM6259M Low Pressure Air Injection Reactor Tubing - Revision B GMNA GM6095M Fuel and Oil Resistant Tubing Double Wall Non-Reinforced - Revision A GMNA GM6095M Fuel and Oil Resistant Tubing Double Wall Non-Reinforced - Revision A GMNA GM6150M Fuel and Oil Resistant Tubing Double Wall Non-Reinforced - Revision D GMNA GM6150M Fuel and Oil Resistant Tubing Double Wall Non-Reinforced - Revision D GMNA GM9061P Permeability Test for Fuel Hose and Tubing - Revision A GMNA GM9061P Permeability Test for Fuel Hose and Tubing - Revision A GMNA GM6148M Fuel and Oil Resistant Tubing Epichlorohydrin - Non-Reinforced - Revision I GMNA GM6148M Fuel and Oil Resistant Tubing Epichlorohydrin - Non-Reinforced - Revision I FAA AD 2000-NM-129 Prevent The Loss Of Hydraulic Pressure Due To Failed Hydraulic Tubing FAA AD 2000-NM-129 Prevent The Loss Of Hydraulic Pressure Due To Failed Hydraulic Tubing FAA AD 2000-NM-52 Prevent Electrical Arcing Between the Oxygen Tubing and an Electrical Source Which Could Result in an Oxygen Fire FAA AD 2000-NM-52 Prevent Electrical Arcing Between the Oxygen Tubing and an Electrical Source Wh... FAA AD 1999-CE-65 Prevent the Brake Hydraulic Fluid from Leaking Because of the Brake Assembly Rods Contacting the Brake Valve Tubing FAA AD 1999-CE-65 Prevent the Brake Hydraulic Fluid from Leaking Because of the Brake Assembly Ro... FAA AD 1999-19-36 Prevent a Blockage Inside the De-icing Tubing FAA AD 1999-19-36 Prevent a Blockage Inside the De-icing Tubing FAA AD 1998-NM-366 Blockage Inside The De-icing Tubing FAA AD 1998-NM-366 Blockage Inside The De-icing Tubing GOST R 51190 POLYAMIDE TUBING FOR AIR BRAKE DRIVE OF MOTOR VEHICLES GENERAL TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS GOST R 51190 POLYAMIDE TUBING FOR AIR BRAKE DRIVE OF MOTOR VEHICLES GENERAL TECHNICAL REQUIR... FAA AD 1998-03-13 Aluminum Oxygen Tubing Bursting and Releasing a High-Pressure Oxygen Flow into the Passenger Cabin FAA AD 1998-03-13 Aluminum Oxygen Tubing Bursting and Releasing a High-Pressure Oxygen Flow into ... FAA AD 1997-NM-65 Prevent chafing of the galley power feeder and static ground wiring on passenger oxygen system tubing in the forward ceiling area above the Door 4 galley, which could result in a fire FAA AD 1997-NM-65 Prevent chafing of the galley power feeder and static ground wiring on passenge... FAA AD 1997-NM-118 Prevent aluminum oxygen tubing from bursting and releasing a high-pressure oxygen flow into the passenger cabin, which could result in a fire hazard during flight FAA AD 1997-NM-118 Prevent aluminum oxygen tubing from bursting and releasing a high-pressure oxyg... GMNA GM6415M Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite Tubing GMNA GM6415M Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite Tubing GMNA GM9676P Procedure for Qualifying Quick - Connector Fittings for Vapor Fuel Line - Revision A GMNA GM9676P Procedure for Qualifying Quick - Connector Fittings for Vapor Fuel Line - Revision A EU 97/23/EC Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Approximation of the Laws of the Member States Concerning Pressure Equipment EU 97/23/EC Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Approximation of the Laws ... EEMUA PUB NO 149 Code of Practice for the Identification and Checking of Materials of Construction in Pressure Systems in Process Plants EEMUA PUB NO 149 Code of Practice for the Identification and Checking of Materials of Constr...

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