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API DR2-66 DOCUMENTATION OF THE BASIS FOR SELECTION OF THE CONTENTS OF CHAPTER 2 - CHARACTERIZATION OF HYDROCARBONS IN TECHNICAL DATA BOOK - PETROLEUM REFINING API DR2-66 DOCUMENTATION OF THE BASIS FOR SELECTION OF THE CONTENTS OF CHAPTER 2 - CHARACTERIZATION OF H... API DR 224 Review of EPA's Proposed Flare Plume Rise Procedure API DR 224 Review of EPA's Proposed Flare Plume Rise Procedure API DR 220 Potential BTEX Emissions from the Nation's Triethylene Glycol Units in Oil and Natural Gas Facilities API DR 220 Potential BTEX Emissions from the Nation's Triethylene Glycol Units in Oil and ... API DR 219 Program Plan for Validated, Complex Terrain Atmospheric Dispersion Models for the Oil Shale Region of Colorado and Utah API DR 219 Program Plan for Validated, Complex Terrain Atmospheric Dispersion Models for t... API DR 218 Pilot Study in Los Angeles to Measure Personal Ozone Exposures During Scripted Activities - Appendices API DR 218 Pilot Study in Los Angeles to Measure Personal Ozone Exposures During Scripted ... API DR 111 Estimation of Incremental Bbenzene Exposure Associated with Seven Bulk Gasoline Storage Facilities in North Carolina API DR 111 Estimation of Incremental Bbenzene Exposure Associated with Seven Bulk Gasoline... API DR 89 Distribution and Behavior of Drilling Fluids and Cuttings Around Gulf of Mexico Drilling Sites API DR 89 Distribution and Behavior of Drilling Fluids and Cuttings Around Gulf of Mexico... API DR 21 API Mineral Oil Review API DR 21 API Mineral Oil Review API DR 16 Analysis of Foods for Benzene API DR 16 Analysis of Foods for Benzene API DR 9 Phase Equilibria in Systems Containing Water API DR 9 Phase Equilibria in Systems Containing Water API DIG-OUR-MESS DIG OUR MESSAGE NOT OUR PIPELINE - Best Copy Available API DIG-OUR-MESS DIG OUR MESSAGE NOT OUR PIPELINE - Best Copy Available API DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT OF AN IMPROVED PIPELINE BREAKFLOW MODEL - FINAL REPORT API DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT OF AN IMPROVED PIPELINE BREAKFLOW MODEL - FINAL REPORT API DATAST Mechanical Data sheets - Collection of All Data Sheets - No Longer Available * Send Customer Direct * WWW.EPCON.COM API DATAST Mechanical Data sheets - Collection of All Data Sheets - No Longer Available * Send Custom... API D12750 INVESTIGATION AND PREDICTION OF COOLING RATES DURING PIPELINE MAINTENANCE WELDING API D12750 INVESTIGATION AND PREDICTION OF COOLING RATES DURING PIPELINE MAINTENANCE WELDING API CUMULATIVE IMPACT Cumulative Impact of Environmental Regulations on the U.S. Petroleum Refining, Transportation and Marketing Industries API CUMULATIVE IMPACT Cumulative Impact of Environmental Regulations on the U.S. Petroleum Refining, ... API CRITIQUE 016 Use of Input-Output Analysis to Compute Labor Effects of Changes in Industry Output API CRITIQUE 016 Use of Input-Output Analysis to Compute Labor Effects of Changes in Industry Ou... API CRITIQUE 009 Cross-Section Property Values and the Benefits of Cleaner Air API CRITIQUE 009 Cross-Section Property Values and the Benefits of Cleaner Air API CRITICAL REVIEW A Critical Review of Recent Literature on Toxicity of Cyanides to Fish API CRITICAL REVIEW A Critical Review of Recent Literature on Toxicity of Cyanides to Fish API COMPOSITE Composite List of Manufacturers Licensed for Use of the API Monogram on Products Manufactured to API Exploration and Production Department Specifications API COMPOSITE Composite List of Manufacturers Licensed for Use of the API Monogram on Products Manufact... API COMPENDIUM OF CASE LAW A Compendium of Case Law: Federal Jurisdiction over “Navigable Waters”/“Waters of the United States” API COMPENDIUM OF CASE LAW A Compendium of Case Law: Federal Jurisdiction over “Navigable Waters”... API COMMITTEE 12 Special Committee on the Standardization of Steel Storage and Production Tanks as Applied To The Production of Oil API COMMITTEE 12 Special Committee on the Standardization of Steel Storage and Production Tanks ... API COMMITTEE 9 Committee on the Standardization of Wire Rope and Manila Cordage API COMMITTEE 9 Committee on the Standardization of Wire Rope and Manila Cordage API CODE 1202 CODE FOR PRESSURE TANK CAR QUANTITIES or CODE FOR CALIBRATING TANK CAR TANKS and for MEASURING, SAMPLING AND CALCULATING TANK CAR QUANTITIES (PRESSTIRE TYPE) API CODE 1202 CODE FOR PRESSURE TANK CAR QUANTITIES or CODE FOR CALIBRATING TANK CAR TANKS an... API CODE 1201 CODE FOR TANK CAR QUANTITIES OR CODE FOR CALIBRATING TANK CAR TANKS AND FOR MEASURING, SAMPLING AND CALCULATING TANK CAR QUANTITIES (NON-PRESSUE TYPE) API CODE 1201 CODE FOR TANK CAR QUANTITIES OR CODE FOR CALIBRATING TANK CAR TANKS AND FOR MEA...

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