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FAA AD 1997-NM-65 Prevent chafing of the galley power feeder and static ground wiring on passenger oxygen system tubing in the forward ceiling area above the Door 4 galley, which could result in a fire FAA AD 1997-NM-65 Prevent chafing of the galley power feeder and static ground wiring on passenge... FAA AD 1997-NM-118 Prevent aluminum oxygen tubing from bursting and releasing a high-pressure oxygen flow into the passenger cabin, which could result in a fire hazard during flight FAA AD 1997-NM-118 Prevent aluminum oxygen tubing from bursting and releasing a high-pressure oxyg... FAA AD 1992-18-03 Oxygen Tubing FAA AD 1992-18-03 Oxygen Tubing FAA AD 1977-21-06 Fuselage Steel Tubing Cluster FAA AD 1977-21-06 Fuselage Steel Tubing Cluster FAA AD 1975-04-06 Pilot-Static Tubing FAA AD 1975-04-06 Pilot-Static Tubing FAA AD 1974-20-02 Pitot-Static Tubing FAA AD 1974-20-02 Pitot-Static Tubing FAA-E-2542 MODIFICATION KITS FOR ARSR LIQUID COOLING SYSTEMS FAA-E-2542 MODIFICATION KITS FOR ARSR LIQUID COOLING SYSTEMS FAA AD 1946-38-01 Vacuum System Tubing FAA AD 1946-38-01 Vacuum System Tubing FAA AD 1945-04-01 24SRT Tubing FAA AD 1945-04-01 24SRT Tubing FAA AD 1944-20-02 24SRT Tubing FAA AD 1944-20-02 24SRT Tubing FAA AD 2013-03-17 To Prevent Failure Of The HPT Stage 1 And Stage 2 Discs FAA AD 2013-03-17 To Prevent Failure Of The HPT Stage 1 And Stage 2 Discs FAA AD 2012-25-09 To Prevent Uncontained IP Turbine Disc Failure, Engine Failure, And Damage To The Airplane FAA AD 2012-25-09 To Prevent Uncontained IP Turbine Disc Failure, Engine Failure, And Damage To T... FAA AD 2012-23-11 To Prevent Cracking In The Rotary Rudder Boom Or Pylon Due To Fatigue, Failure From Static Overload, And Subsequent Loss Of Control Of The Helicopter FAA AD 2012-23-11 To Prevent Cracking In The Rotary Rudder Boom Or Pylon Due To Fatigue, Failure ... FAA AD 2011-NM-204 To Detect And Correct A Worn Or Cracked Clevis Hole FAA AD 2011-NM-204 To Detect And Correct A Worn Or Cracked Clevis Hole FAA AD 2012-NE-33 To Prevent Failure Of The HPT Stage 1 And Stage 2 Discs FAA AD 2012-NE-33 To Prevent Failure Of The HPT Stage 1 And Stage 2 Discs FAA AD 2010-19-05 To Prevent Separation And Loss Of A Stainless Steel Ring (75 Millimeter (mm) In Diameter) From A Tail Rotor Blade (Blade) Sleeve Resulting In Severe, High-Frequency Vibrations FAA AD 2010-19-05 To Prevent Separation And Loss Of A Stainless Steel Ring (75 Millimeter (mm) In... FAA AD 2009-SW-34 To Prevent Separation And Loss Of A Stainless Steel Ring (75 Millimeter (mm) In Diameter) From A Tail Rotor Blade (Blade) Sleeve Resulting In Severe, High-Frequency Vibrations FAA AD 2009-SW-34 To Prevent Separation And Loss Of A Stainless Steel Ring (75 Millimeter (mm) In... FAA AD 2009-20-13 To Ensure Replacement Of The Control Column Rod Ends With High-Strength Steel Rod Ends FAA AD 2009-20-13 To Ensure Replacement Of The Control Column Rod Ends With High-Strength Steel R... FAA AD 2009-15-08 To Prevent Loss Of The Fairing Panels To Be Due To Failure Of Certain Steel Grommets FAA AD 2009-15-08 To Prevent Loss Of The Fairing Panels To Be Due To Failure Of Certain Steel Gro... FAA AD 2008-NM-193 To Prevent Loss Of The Fairing Panels To Be Due To Failure Of Certain Steel Grommets FAA AD 2008-NM-193 To Prevent Loss Of The Fairing Panels To Be Due To Failure Of Certain Steel Gro... FAA AD 2008-14-03 To Require Actions that are Intended to Address the Unsafe Condition that Results from an Improper Installation of the Tailboom Attachment Bolt in the Upper Left-Hand Tailboom Attachment CRES Steel Fitti FAA AD 2008-14-03 To Require Actions that are Intended to Address the Unsafe Condition that Resul... FAA AD 2006-06-10 To Detect and Correct Cracks in the Skin, Bearstrap, and Small Steel Doubler - Applicable to Boeing Model 747-100, 747-100B, 747-100B SUD, 747-200B, 747-200C, 747-300, 747-400, 747-400D, and 747SR Series FAA AD 2006-06-10 To Detect and Correct Cracks in the Skin, Bearstrap, and Small Steel Doubler - ... FAA AD 2005-NM-105 To Detect and Correct Cracks in the Skin, Bearstrap, and Small Steel Doubler (If Installed) - Applicable to Boeing Model 747-100, 747-100B, 747-100B SUD, 747-200B, 747-200C, 747-300, 747-400, 747-400D FAA AD 2005-NM-105 To Detect and Correct Cracks in the Skin, Bearstrap, and Small Steel Doubler (I... FAA AD 2005-14-08 To Prevent Loss Of The Underwing Fitting Load Path Due To Missing Or Damaged Alloy-steel - Applicable to Boeing Model 747 Airplanes FAA AD 2005-14-08 To Prevent Loss Of The Underwing Fitting Load Path Due To Missing Or Damaged Al...
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