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FAA AD 2003-21-08 Disbonding Between The Stainless Steel Protective Strip And The MRB Skin - Applicable to Eurocopter France Model AS332C, AS332L, AS332L1, and AS332L2 Helicopters FAA AD 2003-21-08 Disbonding Between The Stainless Steel Protective Strip And The MRB Skin - Appl... FAA AD 2002-NM-273 Undetected Cracking Of The H-11 Steel Bolts Or Cadmium-Plated Bolts - Applicable to Boeing Model 727 Airplanes FAA AD 2002-NM-273 Undetected Cracking Of The H-11 Steel Bolts Or Cadmium-Plated Bolts - Applicabl... FAA AD 2003-11-25 Broken H-11 Steel Bolts - Applicable to Boeing Model 747-100, 747-100B, 747-100B SUD, 747-200B, 747-200F, 747-200C, 747-300, 747SR, and 747SP Series Airplanes FAA AD 2003-11-25 Broken H-11 Steel Bolts - Applicable to Boeing Model 747-100, 747-100B, 747-100... FAA AD 2002-SW-58 Disbonding Between The Stainless Steel Protective Strip And The MRB Skin - Applicable to Eurocopter France Model AS332C, AS332L, AS332L1, and AS332L2 Helicopters FAA AD 2002-SW-58 Disbonding Between The Stainless Steel Protective Strip And The MRB Skin - Appl... FAA AD 2003-05-05 Failure Of The Steel Fuselage Center-section Tie Bar - Applicable to Robert E. Rust Models DeHavilland DH.C1 Chipmunk 21, 22, and 22A Airplanes FAA AD 2003-05-05 Failure Of The Steel Fuselage Center-section Tie Bar - Applicable to Robert E. ... FAA AD 2001-NM-394 Broken H-11 Steel Bolts - Applicable to Boeing Model 747 Series Airplanes FAA AD 2001-NM-394 Broken H-11 Steel Bolts - Applicable to Boeing Model 747 Series Airplanes FAA AD 2001-16-08 Fatigue Cracking Or Fracture Of The Steel Attachment Fittings Of The Diagonal Brace To The Nacelle Struts - Applicable to Boeing Model 747 Series Airplanes Equipped With General Electric Model CF6-45 Or -50 Series Engines Or Pratt And Wh FAA AD 2001-16-08 Fatigue Cracking Or Fracture Of The Steel Attachment Fittings Of The Diagonal B... FAA AD 2001-15-08 Ignition of Fuel Vapors Due to the Generation of Sparks and a Potential Ignition Source Inside the Fuel Tank Caused By Steel-to-steel Contact During Dry Fuel Pump Operation - Applicable to Boeing Model 767-200, -300, and -300F Series Air FAA AD 2001-15-08 Ignition of Fuel Vapors Due to the Generation of Sparks and a Potential Ignitio... FAA AD 2000-NM-302 Prevent Fatigue Cracking or Fracture of the Steel Attachment Fittings of the Diagonal Brace to the Nacelle Struts FAA AD 2000-NM-302 Prevent Fatigue Cracking or Fracture of the Steel Attachment Fittings of the Di... FAA AD 2000-08-14 Prevent Cracking of the High Strength H-11 Steel Bolts on the Wing Rear Spar Side-of-Body on the Lower Chord Splice Plate and Kick Fitting due to Stress Corrosion, which could Result in Reduced Structural Integrity of the Wing-to-Body Jo FAA AD 2000-08-14 Prevent Cracking of the High Strength H-11 Steel Bolts on the Wing Rear Spar Si... FAA AD 1999-NM-56 Detect And Prevent Cracking Of The High Strength H-11 Steel Bolts On The Wing Rear Spar Side-of-body On The Lower Chord Splice Plate And Kick Fitting Due To Stress Corrosion FAA AD 1999-NM-56 Detect And Prevent Cracking Of The High Strength H-11 Steel Bolts On The Wing R... FAA AD 1999-07-02 Detect a Mislocated or Improperly Bonded Main Rotor Blade (Blade) Leading Edge Stainless Steel Protective Strip (Strip) FAA AD 1999-07-02 Detect a Mislocated or Improperly Bonded Main Rotor Blade (Blade) Leading Edge ... FAA AD 1999-01-11 Prevent The Amp Fittings From Coming Off The Stainless Steel Breakaway Housing FAA AD 1999-01-11 Prevent The Amp Fittings From Coming Off The Stainless Steel Breakaway Housing FAA AD 1998-09-24 Failure Of Either The Shoulder Harness Fittings, Elevator Rib, Or The Wheel Axle To Steel Support Attachment FAA AD 1998-09-24 Failure Of Either The Shoulder Harness Fittings, Elevator Rib, Or The Wheel Axl... FAA AD 1997-07-06 Failure of the Steel Swashplate Support Assembly FAA AD 1997-07-06 Failure of the Steel Swashplate Support Assembly FAA AD 1996-23-10 Steel High Pressure Compressor (HPC) Disk Failure Due to Corrosion FAA AD 1996-23-10 Steel High Pressure Compressor (HPC) Disk Failure Due to Corrosion FAA AD 1996-SW-17 Failure of the Steel Swashplate Support Assembly FAA AD 1996-SW-17 Failure of the Steel Swashplate Support Assembly FAA AD 1995-ANE-45 Steel High Pressure Compressor (HPC) Disk FAA AD 1995-ANE-45 Steel High Pressure Compressor (HPC) Disk FAA AD 1989-23-07 Steel Bolts FAA AD 1989-23-07 Steel Bolts FAA AD 1982-11-01 Steel Tube Frame FAA AD 1982-11-01 Steel Tube Frame FAA-E-2672 REV A RACK CABINET, SOLID-SIDED AND OPEN-SIDED (INCLUDES AMENDMENT 1) FAA-E-2672 REV A RACK CABINET, SOLID-SIDED AND OPEN-SIDED (INCLUDES AMENDMENT 1) FAA AD 1977-21-06 Fuselage Steel Tubing Cluster FAA AD 1977-21-06 Fuselage Steel Tubing Cluster FAA AD 1976-14-09 Inspection of Hollow Steel Blades FAA AD 1976-14-09 Inspection of Hollow Steel Blades FAA-C-2624 CONSTRUCTION OF AN AIRPORT SURVEILLANCE RADAR FACILITY (PREFABRICATED METAL BUILDING) FAA-C-2624 CONSTRUCTION OF AN AIRPORT SURVEILLANCE RADAR FACILITY (PREFABRICATED METAL BUILDING)
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