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GOST 3836 Electrotechnical unalloyed steel thin sheet and bands. Specifications GOST 3836 Electrotechnical unalloyed steel thin sheet and bands. Specifications GOST 3836 Electrotechnical unalloyed steel thin sheet and bands. Specifications GOST 3836 Electrotechnical unalloyed steel thin sheet and bands. Specifications GOST 25772 "Steel guardrailing of stalrways, balkonies and roofs. General specifications" GOST 25772 "Steel guardrailing of stalrways, balkonies and roofs. General specifications" GOST 8282 STEEL ROLL-FORMED C-SHAPED EQUAL FLANGE SECTIONS Assortment - AMD 1: 03,1988 GOST 8282 STEEL ROLL-FORMED C-SHAPED EQUAL FLANGE SECTIONS Assortment - AMD 1: 03,1988 GOST 8282 Bent-steel S-shaped equal flange sections. Dimensions GOST 8282 Bent-steel S-shaped equal flange sections. Dimensions GOST 3875 Steel card wire. Specifications GOST 3875 Steel card wire. Specifications GOST 25665 Phosphates fire protective steel coating of the mineral fibres. Technical requirements GOST 25665 Phosphates fire protective steel coating of the mineral fibres. Technical requirements GOST 3875 Steel card wire. Specifications GOST 3875 Steel card wire. Specifications GOST 8278 STEEL ROLL-FORMED EQUAL CHANNELS ASSORTMENT - (CMEA Standard 105-86); Incorporates Amendment 1: 10/1987 and Amendment 2: 06/1988 GOST 8278 STEEL ROLL-FORMED EQUAL CHANNELS ASSORTMENT - (CMEA Standard 105-86); Incorporates Am... GOST 8278 Roll-formed steel equal channels. Dimensions - (CMEA Standard 105-86); Incorporates Amendment 1: 10/1987 and Amendment 2: 06/1988 GOST 8278 Roll-formed steel equal channels. Dimensions - (CMEA Standard 105-86); Incorporates Amendme... GOST 25577 Steel bent closed welded square and restanqular sections. Specifications GOST 25577 Steel bent closed welded square and restanqular sections. Specifications GOST 5157 Hot-rolled steel sections for different purposes. Dimensions GOST 5157 Hot-rolled steel sections for different purposes. Dimensions GOST 5157 HOT-ROLLED STEEL SECTIONS FOR DIFFERENT PURPOSES Assortment - Incorporating Amendment 1: 7/1988 GOST 5157 HOT-ROLLED STEEL SECTIONS FOR DIFFERENT PURPOSES Assortment - Incorporating Amendment 1: 7... GOST 21427.2 COLD-ROLLED ISOTROPIC ELECTRICAL-SHEET STEEL Specifications - Incorporating Amendment 1: 12/1985; Amendment 2: 10/1986; Amendment 3: 03/1987; Amendment 4: 09/1988; Amendment 5: 12/1990; Includes Corrigendum: 2007 GOST 21427.2 COLD-ROLLED ISOTROPIC ELECTRICAL-SHEET STEEL Specifications - Incorporating Amendment 1: 12... GOST 8467 Steel drill pipes for core drilling. Specifications - Incorporating Amendment 1: 08/1988 GOST 8467 Steel drill pipes for core drilling. Specifications - Incorporating Amendment 1: 08/1... GOST 25859 STEEL VESSELS AND APPARATUS Norms and Methods of Fatigue Strength Calculation under Low-cycle Loads - Incorporating Amendment 1: 04/17/1990 GOST 25859 STEEL VESSELS AND APPARATUS Norms and Methods of Fatigue Strength Calculation under L... GOST 5781 Hot-rolled steel for reinforcement of ferroconcrete structures. Specifications - Amendment 1:1984; Amendment 2:1987; Amendment 3:1987; Amendment 4:1989; Amendment 5:1990 GOST 5781 Hot-rolled steel for reinforcement of ferroconcrete structures. Specifications - Amendment... GOST 5781 Hot-rolled steel for reinforcement of ferroconcrete structures. Specifications GOST 5781 Hot-rolled steel for reinforcement of ferroconcrete structures. Specifications GOST 5105 Steel tanks for fuel and oils. Specifications GOST 5105 Steel tanks for fuel and oils. Specifications GOST 5105 Steel tanks for fuel and oils. Specifications GOST 5105 Steel tanks for fuel and oils. Specifications GOST 5005 Steel electrowelded cold-deformed pipes for cardan shafts. Specifications GOST 5005 Steel electrowelded cold-deformed pipes for cardan shafts. Specifications GOST 5005 Steel electrowelded cold-deformed pipes for cardan shafts. Specifications GOST 5005 Steel electrowelded cold-deformed pipes for cardan shafts. Specifications GOST 7268 STEEL METHOD FOR DETERMINATION OF PROPENSITY TO MECHANICAL AGEING BY IMPACT BEND TESTING - Amendment 1:1986 GOST 7268 STEEL METHOD FOR DETERMINATION OF PROPENSITY TO MECHANICAL AGEING BY IMPACT BEND TEST... GOST 7268 Steel. Method for determination of ability to mechanical ageing by impact bend testing GOST 7268 Steel. Method for determination of ability to mechanical ageing by impact bend testing



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