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GOST 8733 COLD-DEFORMED AND WARM-WORKED SEAMLESS STEEL TUBES TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS - Incorporating Amendment 1: 03/1976; Amendment 2: 02/1980; Amendment 3: 12/1985 and Amendment 4: 4/1992 GOST 8733 COLD-DEFORMED AND WARM-WORKED SEAMLESS STEEL TUBES TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS - Incorporating Ame... GOST 19903 HOT-ROLLED STEEL SHEET PRODUCTS Assortment - Incorporating Amendment 1: 11/1979, Amendment 2: 9/1982, Amendment 3: 10/1983, Amendment 4: 7/1985, Amendment 5: 6/1986, Amendment 6: 9/1988 GOST 19903 HOT-ROLLED STEEL SHEET PRODUCTS Assortment - Incorporating Amendment 1: 11/1979, Amendment... GOST 949 Small and medium volume steel cylinders for gases for Pw<=19,6 MPa (200kgf/sm2). Specifications - Incorporating Amendment 1: 10/1976; Amendment 2: 10/1980; Amendment 3: 02/1982; Amendment 4: 06/1986; Amendment 5: 04/2001 GOST 949 Small and medium volume steel cylinders for gases for Pw<=19,6 MPa (200kgf/sm2... GOST 19277 Seamless steel tubes for oil and fuel lines. Specifications GOST 19277 Seamless steel tubes for oil and fuel lines. Specifications GOST 19265 Bars and strips out of high-speed steel. Specifications GOST 19265 Bars and strips out of high-speed steel. Specifications GOST 3560 Package steel strip. Specifications GOST 3560 Package steel strip. Specifications GOST 3560 Package steel strip. Specifications GOST 3560 Package steel strip. Specifications GOST 1668 Steel zinc-coated wire for aerial lines. Specifications GOST 1668 Steel zinc-coated wire for aerial lines. Specifications GOST 1668 Steel zinc-coated wire for aerial lines. Specifications GOST 1668 Steel zinc-coated wire for aerial lines. Specifications GOST 18968 Corrosion-resistant and heat-proof steel bars and strips for steam turbine blades. Specifications GOST 18968 Corrosion-resistant and heat-proof steel bars and strips for steam turbine blades. Specifications GOST 7511 Steel sections for window and lastern transoms and window panels of industrial buildings. Specifications GOST 7511 Steel sections for window and lastern transoms and window panels of industrial buildi... GOST 7511 STEEL PROFILES FOR WINDOW AND LANTERN CASEMENTS AND WINDOW PANELS OF INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS - Amendment 1:1984; Amendment 2:1989; Amendment 3:1990 GOST 7511 STEEL PROFILES FOR WINDOW AND LANTERN CASEMENTS AND WINDOW PANELS OF INDUSTRIAL BUILD... GOST 18907 Cold worked and heat treated grinded rods of high-alloy and corrosion-proof steel. Specifications GOST 18907 Cold worked and heat treated grinded rods of high-alloy and corrosion-proof steel. S... GOST 18907 Cold worked and heat treated grinded rods of high-alloy and corrosion-proof steel. Specifications GOST 18907 Cold worked and heat treated grinded rods of high-alloy and corrosion-proof steel. S... GOST 18899 STEEL WIRE ROPES LOCKED CONVEYING WIRE ROPES SPECIFICATIONS AND ASSORTMENT - Incorporates Amendments 1:07/1977, Amendment 2:04/1982, Amendment 3:03/1985, Amendment 4:10/1987, Amendment 5:12/1989, and Amendment 6: 05/2001 GOST 18899 STEEL WIRE ROPES LOCKED CONVEYING WIRE ROPES SPECIFICATIONS AND ASSORTMENT - Incorpor... GOST 7676 "Steel wire ropes. Locked conveying wire rope with two layers of V-shaped wire, one layer of Z-wire and type TK core. Dimensions" GOST 7676 "Steel wire ropes. Locked conveying wire rope with two layers of V-shaped wire, one la... GOST 18901 Steel wire ropes. Locked conveying wire rope with two layers of Z-wire and type TK core. Dimensions GOST 18901 Steel wire ropes. Locked conveying wire rope with two layers of Z-wire and type TK co... GOST 3090 Steel wire ropes. Locked conveying wire rope with one layer of Z-wire and type TK core. Dimensions GOST 3090 Steel wire ropes. Locked conveying wire rope with one layer of Z-wire and type TK cor... GOST 7675 Steel wire ropes. Locked conveying wire rope with one layer of V-shaped wire, one layer of Z-wire and type TK core. Dimensions GOST 7675 Steel wire ropes. Locked conveying wire rope with one layer of V-shaped wire, one lay... GOST 18899 STEEL WIRE ROPES LOCKED CONVEYING WIRE ROPES SPECIFICATIONS AND ASSORTMENT - Incorporates Amendments 1:07/1977, Amendment 2:04/1982, Amendment 3:03/1985, Amendment 4:10/1987, Amendment 5:12/1989, and Amendment 6: 05/2001 GOST 18899 STEEL WIRE ROPES LOCKED CONVEYING WIRE ROPES SPECIFICATIONS AND ASSORTMENT - Incorpor... GOST 18896 Steel thick-walled drums for chemical products. Specifications GOST 18896 Steel thick-walled drums for chemical products. Specifications GOST 18661 Steel. Method for measurement of hardness by shock indentation GOST 18661 Steel. Method for measurement of hardness by shock indentation GOST 5422 Hot-rolled special steel sections for tractors. Technical specifications - Incorporates Amendment 1: 07/1975 and Amendment 2: 03/1988 GOST 5422 Hot-rolled special steel sections for tractors. Technical specifications - Incorporates Am... GOST 5422 HOT-ROLLED SPECIAL STEEL SECTIONS FOR TRACTORS SPECIFICATIONS - Incorporates Amendment 1: 07/1975 and Amendment 2: 03/1988 GOST 5422 HOT-ROLLED SPECIAL STEEL SECTIONS FOR TRACTORS SPECIFICATIONS - Incorporates Amendment 1: ...



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